On Anarchistic Satanism
-Cardinal Peccatum, The Free Society Satanists
When you think about Satanism, the term “Modern Satanism” first comes to mind. It's easy, rolls off the tongue, and evokes a feeling of comfort. But what about the term “Anarchistic Satanism”? It's harsh, scary and evokes a sense that the sky is falling. What if I were to tell you that Anarchistic Satanism IS Modern Satanism, or should be considered as such?
Anarchism is satanic and Satanism is anarchistic; the two words are almost interchangeable. Both words are also highly misunderstood with regard to what their true definitions are.
The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines Anarchism as “A political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.” Simply put, it is a movement against all forms of arbitrary authority and seeks to abolish the institutions it claims maintain unnecessary hierarchy, including capitalism.
That is a far cry from the complete disorder and chaos the word evokes when you hear it. One might even say that the word has been bastardized into oblivion by the same people who would benefit the least from its implementation: Capitalists.
Now, I want you to think about the term Satanism. That same dictionary defines Satanism as “A system of belief based on personal freedom that has the literary figure of Satan as the central figure.” It is almost unrecognizable from the concept forced upon us by the evangelical right in the form of Satanic panic. They would like you to think that Satanism is just dark-robed figures performing blood rituals in a dimly lit basement while listening to heavy metal music. They benefit greatly from the systematic “othering” of us based solely on the poorly constructed fables told to us by our grandparents who believed everything the news told them in the ’80s and ’90s. It bolsters the numbers of the devout who pad their coffers weekly; why wouldn’t they demonize us (to use a bad pun)?
Both words have the same spirit when you examine them further. That is, the freedom from systems set in place long ago that do not benefit us in the slightest. Systems that only seek to further the agenda of those that hold the power. But how did that power come to be in the first place?
Corporate and religious lobbying started in the 1970s. Both groups had the same end goal: influencing lawmakers to further their agenda and making the average American foot the bill. Before the 1970s, the average voter could count on their lawmakers to at least consider their position when writing legislation. This would be all but a thing of the past in the years to come when corporations would seek to limit the average American’s power by restricting freedom and choice to further their profits. From there on out, corporations had free reign to pillage resources and cut wages to maximize profits, benefiting only the ones at the top.
Religious lobbying would prove to be just as sinister, if not worse. What makes our country so great is the fact that we are truly a melting pot, composed of many different cultures, traditions, and religions; and all those people seek to have the same experience here: to live, prosper and pray however they choose.
We as Satanists view Satan as a literary figure that spoke truth to power and stood as a symbol against tyranny and oppression. If we were to view the two biggest culprits of tyranny and oppression, we would be looking at big corporations and the religious right. These two groups work the hardest to profit from our labor while limiting our choice and power simultaneously, not to mention the system of government that has allowed it to happen.
“In God We Trust” has been the official motto of the United States since 1956, appearing on all currency and most government buildings since Congress passed H.R.619 the year before. Fast forward the timeline a decade more and you will find religious leaders like Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham furthering this narrative of America being “a christian nation” to solidify their grasp on lawmakers and subsequently the laws passed that would have a devastating effect on those that do not fall in line with their agenda; primarily, non-whites and non-christians. How very “christian” indeed? Having your choice and freedom limited simply based on the fact that you do not pray the same as those in power is perhaps the defining hallmark of the influence of evangelical christianity on American politics. When corporations and religion have an iron grip on the government and can influence your life and every aspect of it, who do you rebel against? We say “All Three”!