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Who (or what) is The Free Society Satanists?

The Free Society Satanists are an independent collective of Satanists from around the world. We are unique in the fact that we have no one true “group leader”, rather a collective of members from all walks of life with unique points of view that contribute to the greater good.


Our members start conversations and lead talks about what it means to be a modern, non-theistic Satanist from a variety of viewpoints.

The inspiration for the name “The Free Society” comes from the name of an anarchistic newspaper from the early 1900’s that challenged the ideals of the status quo by sparking action through free thought.

Are you an open-minded, left-leaning Satanist that wants to connect with others that share your interest in the topic and want to further your journey? You are in the right place!

The 9 Principles of The Free Society Satanists

I. You are your own master, and shall live life according to your own will alone.

II. Show compassion and respect to yourself first, and others second. If someone exploits your compassion, rescind it.

III. Logic and reason shall always prevail over superstition and dogma.

IV. Respect others’ boundaries lest yours be trampled underfoot.

V. Strive to live each day as your most authentic self.

VI. Indulge without excess. Do what thou wilt, as long as it brings harm to no one else.

VII. Treat nature and her environs with the utmost respect.

VIII. If you wrong someone, acknowledge your mistake and work to ensure it won’t be repeated.

IX. Never Proselytize. If asked questions, answer them. Otherwise, let others discover the path for themselves.


The Free Society Satanists are an Anarchistic Satanic group.

Anarcho-Satanism worships life on earth instead of worshiping god and the empty promises and threats of an afterlife. Anarcho-Satanism seeks to empower the community through empowering the individuals within it, instead of surrendering free will to god. Anarcho-Satanism seeks to restore the interconnected balance of the natural order and destroy the hierarchical, elitist divine order.


Anarcho-Satanists believe that they are liberated intellectuals with vast capacities for empathic concern, while the theists are psychologically-sterilized slaves who live in mortal fear of their castrator and slave-master god. Satanists seek to create a paradise on earth, while theists destroy the earth and each other in an attempt to reach a paradise in an afterlife. Anarcho-Satanists seek pleasure and mutual benefit, while theists seek to deny pleasure and deny a common understanding with those who do not share their ideas of god. Anarcho-Satanists work towards trust based on logic and reason instead of holding to blind faith. Anarcho-Satanists find pride within their ascension to more equal and just beings, while theists seek to keep humanity wretched to create a greater contrast to the glory of their god. Anarcho-Satanists trust themselves and their chosen communities, and distrust the dictates of all authorities that seek to justify their authority by divine mandate.

Anarcho-Satanists seek to live in the present, not continuing the obvious mistakes of our less-evolved ancestors, and not in the delusion of individual consciousness existing beyond death. Anarcho-Satanists believe in mutual self-reliance, not in appeals to the charity of the unjustly rich, and not in profiting from the labors of the unjustly poor.

Anarcho-Satanists strive to become their own gods, and to recognize that same divinity of self when it is realized in others. Anarcho-Satanists choose for themselves the reasons and ways to exercise judgment or exercise forgiveness, how and when to show mercy, and how and when to show wrath.

The Fire Brand

Our symbol is a take on what is called a Colophon, a publisher’s trademark stamped on the spine of books to share where the work was published.
We call it The Fire Brand to pay homage to the beginnings of The Free Society.

We chose a colophon as our symbol to differentiate ourselves from other Satanic organizations, and the mistakes they have made.

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